This module is designed to emulate those products offered by several vendors of similar applications and so allow the user to appreciate their features.
Up to five common components may be blended to meet multiple product specifications for four diffrent grades of gasoline. The user selects the recipe - changing, as required, any of the component properties and quantities. Once the default blend ratios are loaded into the blend ratio controller (BRC), the user may change the ratios and add any constraints. The user specifies the batch size and the total blend flow rate. BRC ramps up the start and ramps down completion of the blend. The ramp rates are configurable.Once started, if a hydraulic constraint is reached by any component, BRC reduces the total flow in order to maintain the required belnd ratios. It also monitors component availability and will terminate the blend if any fall below the specified minimum drawable volume.
With blend property control (BPC) switched to auto, the on-stream analysers monitor the current blend properties. Any deviation from the predicted property is corrected by a user-configured update. Any violation of a specification is resolved by changing the blend ratios to minimise the cost of the blend. The user can specify the 'on-spec horizon'; this determines the point at which the content of the gasoline tank is on grade, taking account of any 'heel' left in the tank from a previous grade.
A wide selection of variables may be trended including all the properties of either the blender or the tank, as well as blend component ratios and tank composition.